Do you have an overwhelming amount of student loans, credit card debt, car loans, mortgage (or rent), and monthly bills on top of it all? Yeah, same.
Who I am:
To give a little background, at the time of writing this post, I am a 34-year-old married woman living in Florida with a combined, husband’s debt included, total debt (mortgage not included) of over $300,000.
Just writing that sentence makes me cringe and want to go hide under my comforter with all my animals.
How We Got Here:
We accrued this debt over the last 17 years through a combination of student loans and really poor choices. The majority of our debt, I would say about 80%, comes from our student loans with mine making up over 70% of the total loans. While I don’t regret getting my bachelor’s or master’s degrees I do regret going for my PhD and having to drop out while finishing my dissertation because I ran out of financial aid aka loans.
The remainder of our debt is due to credit cards and two car loans. I will go ahead and put most of the blame on me for the credit card debt racking up. For a long time, I have had a spending problem. Always feeling like I needed to compete with others on social media or in some instances even my own extended family.
Why am I Blogging:
The reason I am starting this blog is twofold. One, I want to have somewhere that requires me to be accountable for my spending and actions. Two, I want to be open, honest, and raw about my journey because I hope maybe I can help someone else out there dealing with the same things.
My main goals are:
- Get out of debt
- Have an emergency fund
- Invest
- Save for retirement
I will be posting a breakdown of my goals in another post in the coming days. This will include a list of short-term and long-term goals to help accomplish what I need.
What You Can Expect from this Blog:
- Budgeting tips
- Debt repayment strategies
- Saving and investing for beginners
- Honest updates on my progress
- So much more
Wrapping it All Up:
I just want you to know if you’re also feeling stuck or unsure where to start, you’re not alone. Let’s figure it out together. I am hoping through this journey you all will feel inspired to share your own experiences.
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